Calendar Event Search
This feature provides the ability to search for scheduled court calendar events in the Common Pleas courts related to a specific case, case participant, or across multiple cases and participants. Search results may include both public and secure case information. Your ability to view secure case information is based on your relationship to each participant's case(s) and the ability for PACFile to verify your identity. Consequently, it is possible that secure case information meeting your search criteria will not appear in your search results. More specific rules regarding secure case searches can be found on the Case Participant and Calendar Event Search Security page.
The following criteria can be used to perform a calendar event search based on each of three available search types: Case Calendar Event, Case Calendar Participant, and Docket Number.
Case Calendar Event
Select this search type when you want to search for calendar events across multiple participants and cases. All search criteria options denoted with an * in PACFile are required.
Court Type – Limits search results to the calendar events scheduled on cases filed at a specific level of court (ex. Court of Common Pleas).
County - Limits search results to the calendar events scheduled on cases within a specific Pennsylvania county.
Division - Limits search results to the calendar events scheduled on cases in a selected county and falling under a specific court division (i.e. Criminal or Family).
Event Start Date & Event End Date – Limits search results to calendar events scheduled between any two calendar dates. When searching for a single day only, enter the same date in both fields.
Event Type – Limit search results to calendar events scheduled under a specific hearing name or another unique event title (ex. ARD Review Hearing, Delinquency Hearings, Pre-Trial Hearings, etc).
Room – Limit search results to calendar events scheduled to take place in a specific court room or location.
Docket Type – Limit search results to calendar events associated to cases on a specific docket type (ex. Criminal, Delinquency, Dependency, etc.).
Case Category – Limit search results to calendar events associated to cases on a selected docket type with a specific subcategory that further defines the matter in question. For example, Common Pleas court Summary cases can either have a case category of Traffic or Non-Traffic.
Scheduled Events Only – A checkbox that, when selected, limits search results to calendar events that are currently in an open status. Typically, these are events that have not yet taken place. Deselecting this checkbox shows all calendar events regardless of this status.
Case Calendar Participant
Select this search type when you want to search for calendar events directly associated to a specific participant. This might include events across multiple cases. All search criteria options denoted with an * in PACFile are required.
Court Type – Limits search results to the calendar events scheduled on cases filed in a specific level of court (ex. Court of Common Pleas).
County – Limits search results to the calendar events scheduled on cases within a specific Pennsylvania county.
Event Start Date & Event End Date – Limits search results to calendar events scheduled between any two calendar dates. When searching for a single day only, enter the same date in both fields.
First Name & Last Name – Limit search results to the calendar events associated to the name of a given participant.
Date of Birth – Use with caution. Dates of birth are not systematically recorded for all participants. Searching by this date, even if correct, could negatively affect your results because it may not be systematically associated to the specified participant on all their cases.
SID – Limits search results to the calendar events associated to participants with a specified State Identification Number. This number can be assigned upon arrest by the state police when a participant is fingerprinted.
Local Number Type – Relates to unique tracking numbers assigned to Common Pleas court cases, apart from docket numbers, by the county where they are filed. Each number type can be part of a statewide numbering system (ex. Family Unit ID) or a county-specific system (ex. Allegheny CYF Number). Some of these numbers are only used on certain Common Pleas court docket types.
Local Number – Limits search results to calendar events scheduled on Common Pleas court cases with a unique number that corresponds to the selected Local Number Type. These numbers can be tied to multiple docket numbers.
Event Type - Limit search results to calendar events scheduled under a specific hearing name or another unique event title (ex. Delinquency Hearings, TPR Hearings, Pre-Trial Hearings, etc).
Docket Type – Limit search results to calendar events associated to cases on a specific docket type (ex. Criminal, Delinquency, Dependency, etc.).
Case Category – Limit search results to calendar events associated to cases on a selected docket type with a specific subcategory that further defines the matter in question. For example, Common Pleas court Summary cases can either have a case category of Traffic or Non-Traffic.
Scheduled Events Only – A checkbox that, when selected, limits search results to calendar events that are currently in an open status. Typically, these are events that have not yet taken place. Deselecting this checkbox shows all calendar events regardless of this status.
Docket Number
Select this search type when you want to search for calendar events associated to one case. All search criteria options denoted with an * in PACFile are required.
Docket Number – This search option only returns results if you meet all the corresponding security rules. Refer to the Case Participant and Calendar Event Search Security page for these rules. Consequently, entry of a valid docket number does not necessarily guarantee successful search results.
Scheduled Events Only – A checkbox that, when selected, limits search results to calendar events that are currently in an open status. Typically, these are events that have not yet taken place. Deselecting this checkbox shows all calendar events regardless of this status.
Search Results
Clicking the SEARCH button displays your search results. Each record provides access to additional detail by use of the icons in the far-right column. Clicking on the View Case Details icon transfers you to the Case Details screen. Rescheduled cases display the Rescheduled Calendar Event icon
. Clicking this icon opens the Rescheduled Calendar Event popup, which displays the new date, time, and location of the event.
For printable step-by-step assistance (with pictures), refer to the following:
Completing Calendar Event Searches
Search Security: Participant and Calendar Event Searches